Snakes & Ladders

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Game description

This is a special, digital edition of Snakes & Ladders for 1-4 players. While the main rules are the same, there are some twists.


Each player can choose an ability which can be later used anytime during the game. You can use your ability once, then mark it used.

Surprise cards

When you land on a tile marked with a question mark, you have to draw a Surprise Card (?) from the four on the left. When all the cards are flipped, hit Reshuffle! to deal new ones.

Social cards

Playing with coworkers? Enable Social Cards (!!!). You can choose to draw one instead of rolling the die. If you answer the question correctly, you can move 20 tiles forward.

Final tile

Roll the exact number to reach the final tile. If the die roll is too large, you remain in place.

Made with ♥ by Sandor Zelenka in Axure RP 9.